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Download and install COHORTE distribution

There are several ways of installing COHORTE on your system. In the following, we detail the manual installation (as the installers are not yet available).

Manual installation

Depending on your operating system, we give some insights about how install COHORTE distribution using specific platform instructions.

  • Donwload the COHORTE distribution adequate to your operating system from the downloads page. E.g., for Linux OS you download cohorte-1.0.0-linux-distribution.tar.gz.

Unix-based Operating Systems (Linux, Solaris and Max OS X)

  1. Extract the distribution archive, i.e. cohorte-1.0.0-linux-distribution.tar.gz to the directory you wish to install COHORTE. These instructions assume you chose /opt/isandlatech/cohorte. The subdirectory cohorte-1.0.0 will be created from the archive.
  2. Go to the cohorte-1.0.0 directory and launch setup.sh command. This will export COHORTE_HOME environment variable (and add it to your home directory’s .bashrc file).
  3. Ensure to have the access rights to $COHORTE_HOME directory (e.g., `sudo chgrp -R your_login cohorte-1.0.0; chown -R your_login cohorte-1.0.0).


  1. Prior to install Cohorte, you should have Python 3.4 installed on your machine. You have also to install Pywin32 adequat to your operating system.
  2. Set PYTHON_HOME environment variable to target your installed Python distribution.
  3. Set PYTHON_INTERPRETER=%PYTHON_HOME%\python.exe environment variable to target your python interpreter executable.
  4. Unzip the distribution archive to the directory you wish to install COHORTE. These instructions assume you chose C:\Program Files\Cohorte. The subdirectory cohorte-1.0.0 will be created from the archive.
  5. Add the COHORTE_HOME environment variable by opening up the system properties (WinKey + Pause), selecting the “Advanced” tab, and the “Environment Variables” button, then adding the COHORTE_HOME variable in the user variables with the value C:\Program Files\Cohorte\cohorte-1.0.0\home. Be sure to omit any quotation marks around the path even if it contains spaces.
  6. Add %COHORTE_HOME%\bin to the system’s PATH environment variable.

Using Installers

Not yet available.